Saturday, July 17, 2004

YOUR BUTT NEEDS A TAN: mooning, flashing, and other fun driving activities

First off I have to say that I, Alecia, mooned Jared Southworth today for a meesly 5 bucks.  That's right, but lets start at the beginning...
Today I went shopping with Sarah and Leslie.  We went to Saginaw and stopped at the salvation army and the red eye, after eating lunch at the Panda Express (no sarah, that's not a movie).  At the sav I bought a Phil keychain, 3 books, and a beverly hills camp t-shirt.   Of course since we were in Saginaw, Leslie had to stop and see Nick Osmond aka Chip.  That was fun enough and then we went to some cd store and stopped at Blue Knight on the way back.  The order of that may or may not be how I stated it.  On the way home, on 13,  we were behind this annoying red truck that thought it could drive halfway into the other lane, so we passed them and went really slow... I think they got mad because later they passed us and the old hairy guy felt the need to flash us.  It was like ooh... wow... that was vicious.  Then there was this guy and girl that had to stare at us every time we went by, so then the next time me and sarah did it.  This started a war and they sped up and passed us and then the girl mooned us.... great.  So we tried to speed up and show them our "your butt needs a tan" sign.  But they were going at least 90 and we were unable to catch up.  They turned and we beeped at them, but unfortunately we were unable to get revenge, but wait, there's more.  We got to AuGres and saw Jared driving beside us and we were like "hey, let's show Jared the sign."  Then I said that I would moon him if someone gave me some money so Sarah agreed to give me $3 and Leslie said she would give me $2.  It took us until halfway down Tonkey to pass him, but finally we did and I mooned him...  then he passed us again and I hid because I was dying of laughter and hoping that maybe he didn't know it was me.  Apparently he thought it was funny too because he was laughing... wow I can't believe I did that.  Who would've guessed?  I wonder if he knew it was me?  Anyway it was a fun trip and thinking about it still makes me laugh.


Blogger Sarah said...

Very nice retelling... I enjoyed it.

9:02 PM  
Blogger Alecia said...

I do my best...

9:13 PM  

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