I'm in a solemn mood. It could have something to do with the fact that practically everyone and there mother is going somewhere for spring break and I am not. Hmmm... If I can go visit Sarah, all will not be lost.
On a more positive note, I ran a mile today. Me and Hannah went to Harbor Inn and worked out and then went swimming. The whole thing made me sort of tired. I got home and took a shower and then I was watching tv and I fell asleep for about 20 minutes... still in my bathrobe.
So today was mostly uneventful. I'm definitely getting tired of my mink. He's starting to gross me out. Before bio, Hannah told me that Joel was gonna ask me to Prom at lunch. So I was waiting and trying to act like I had no idea and then he did and I said ok. I think it will be fun. It might be weird if he goes with the mossy oak tux because that will definitely clash with my pink puffy dress.
But anyway.... I think Sarah could undersand how I've been feeling lately. It's kind of a weird senior thing. Like everything is normal but you now it's only a matter of time before you have to face reality. Spring Arbor still hasn't sent me my financial aid stuff. I'm getting very impatient.
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