Saturday, October 16, 2004

I've been inspired

I saw that Leslie changed her template and I thought I would change mine too. I'm not sure if anyone has this or not but it looked cool.... same as before but a different color.

So it's official. I definitely have pink eye. I went to the walk in clinic in oscoda and now I have some eyedrops for it. Unfortunately the contagiousness won't go away until monday so until then I probably shouldn't really be around people. It's sad that Sarah's finally home and now I have pink eye. If she doesn't care then maybe we can do stuff but I probably shouldn't. I don't know.

I went to the AE game yesterday. We totally killed them, 57 to 6. It was really cold and rainy and I felt bad for the players. After that we watched Jaws but my pink eye was acting up and I left before the end. BethAnne was actually scared. Jaws isn't remotely scary. I really wanted to watch the last Freddie movie but BethAnne and Sarah don't like scary movies. I haven't been able to watch one in so long I've been going through withdrawls. Sad isn't it?

So here I am in quarantine, unable to have any human interaction. Whatever will I do? Stupid eye. I hope it goes away fast. I can only amuse myself for so long and now I don't have any reasons not to finish my pre calc.


Blogger Alecia said...

lol you do not... and it was worse earlier... all runny and stuff. I've never had it before

12:30 AM  

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