So here I am...
...enjoying my aid hour. This is the first time I've ever posted at school. I'm kind of bored so I thought that maybe I should update my blog.
My four day weekend was quite nice. I pretty much did nothing. I ate chinese with Sarah, Ross, Ryan, and Bethanne on friday. That was good. Before that I installed my cd player. That's right I did it all by myself. I moved it from my old car and installed it in my wagon. I was quite proud of myself but really, it wasn't that difficult. Other than that I didn't do to much worth noting.
Today I'm going to the girls basketball district game. We play Fairview and sadly I will be skipping bible study. Sorry Tom. I don't know who will look up all the verses and answer all the questions.
I have this cold sore type thing by my mouth. It's not cool. I tried to cover it up but you can still kinda see it. I'm really trying to ignore it.
So I guess maybe I should be a little but more productive right now... not that this isn't productive...
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