Thursday, November 25, 2004

It Hurts To Git Up

Yeah so volleyball prackice has been quite intense. ah doesn't reckon thar's a mooscle thet ain't so'e. Even mah booty hurts. It's been fun though. ah's glad ah decided t'play even eff'n Hannah's not. It makes me pow'ful busy but at least thar's vacashun.

We got a snow sto'm an' ah's sho'nuff it was a miracle fum God thet ah made it home. ah went like 20 th' whole way. ah c'dn't tell whut lane ah was in ha'f th' time an' ah accidently turned into th' wrong driveway. Thar was no stoppin', yo' jest had t'coast t'a stop.

Yestiddy was great! Fry mah hide! ah gotta see Vanessa, Sareeh Jessie. ah miss them so much. Hopefully thar will be time t'do sumpin wif Sareeh this hyar weekend, cuss it all t' tarnation.

ah's so excited, cuss it all t' tarnation. This hyar vacashun will be somethin'. Between th' so'eness, th' sinus infeckshun, an' th' tiredness ah's definitely ready fo' it. Plus ah have been wawkin' out a lot so ah feel free t'eat as much grub as ah want. Mebbe I'll even haf time t'do t'other blog post! Fry mah hide!

Ok so that was fun... I was gonna post what I really wrote below it but i think it will be funner if I don't. Go to this site to read the rest of my blog like this or do your own.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

So here I am...

...enjoying my aid hour. This is the first time I've ever posted at school. I'm kind of bored so I thought that maybe I should update my blog.

My four day weekend was quite nice. I pretty much did nothing. I ate chinese with Sarah, Ross, Ryan, and Bethanne on friday. That was good. Before that I installed my cd player. That's right I did it all by myself. I moved it from my old car and installed it in my wagon. I was quite proud of myself but really, it wasn't that difficult. Other than that I didn't do to much worth noting.

Today I'm going to the girls basketball district game. We play Fairview and sadly I will be skipping bible study. Sorry Tom. I don't know who will look up all the verses and answer all the questions.

I have this cold sore type thing by my mouth. It's not cool. I tried to cover it up but you can still kinda see it. I'm really trying to ignore it.

So I guess maybe I should be a little but more productive right now... not that this isn't productive...

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Procrastinating... again

So I totally forgot I was supposed to do the lesson this morning. That really sucks. I had good ideas too. Stupid me.

I'm currently trying to escape doing my advanced bio test. It's due tomorrow and I looked up some stuff but I really don't want to do it. At the same time I'm trying to finish my laundry. Friday night I got this weird urge and I actually cleaned my room for the first time in a couple months. So then I had a giant pile of laundry in the middle of my room. There were clothes in there that I forgot I had.

So this year isn't like any other. I don't feel like I should be any busier than before but for some reason I feel like I don't have time to breath and the year is going to be over before I even know it. It's so weird.

Today after church I was going in to pay for my gas and this lady was pulling out from the pump. She totally hit the pole thing that was sticking out from the end and it made a huge screatching sound. I saw a huge dent on the side of her nice mini van but for some reason she just kept on going like she didn't notice. I don't get it, wouldn't you be freaking out and at least get out and look?

I think I'm going to eat some shrimp tonight. My mom got some at Save-a-Lot. I love shrimp.

Well now I must go... I've definitely got this weekly blog trend going on now. Wouldn't want to mess that up.

Monday, November 01, 2004

It seems as though most of my friends are guys

So where to begin. The person I annoy most by my lack of blogging is probably myself. I am really tired today and I also have a headache. I have my advanced bio leaf collection to finish. I also have a couple of sections of pre calc that I totally slacked off during and didn't even remotely finish. Ugh...

Friday I went to our playoff game against Beal City. The game was very disappointing and we got killed. At least I had fun and I got a giant foam fingers. Those things are the greatest. Hours of entertainment. I road up with Ronnie, Joel, and Ross. It was fun and we managed to get lost several times.... took us about 10 minutes to find the parking lot after we could see them game. But anyway. Ronnie and Joel had those really annoying air horns and they kept blowing them. I threatened to attack with my foam finger but they didn't take me seriously. Then I did attack and I accidently poked Joel in the eye. His eye watered for about 30 minutes but at least they stopped with the horns.

Last night we watched some movies at ryan's. I already saw both of them so it wasn't that exciting.

Sadly this post is almost like homework for me. I wish it didn't have to be that way....