Thursday, April 28, 2005

green tea and cappuccino... make me tired

Yeah so anyways... who really blogs anymore? I almost thought I had the urge to blog, but then I started typing and it kind of went away. I suppose I'll do it anyway.

Well prom is in 2 days. I think I'm getting over being excited about it. It's like prom great. You know what disturbs me? I've been liking country music lately. I think someone needs to slap me.

Today I went to the baseball game with Hannah. Her car got hit again... even before the game started. She has a dent from the last one. I'm glad my car didn't get hit. Being there made me sad that my car doesn't have a horn. I really need to get one. Poor Wagner is mute.

Tomorrow me and Hannah are going shopping. She's getting her nails done and I have to get a couple things. I thought about getting my nails done but I don't think it's worth it. Who really wants to spend $30 on fake nails?

I got a cappuccino at McDonalds and it made me incredibly tired. Then I got home and Paul brought my mom some green tea from GNC. I had some of that and now I'm even more tired. Doesn't really make sense does it?

Well I don't really feel like writing more so I guess that's all for now.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

long time.... no post

So yeah once again I've been boycotting my blog.... not just my blog, but the internet in general.

Well a lot has happened since my last post. I found out yesterday that I'm on prom court... that's fun. It was really unexpected. On Monday Hannah and I watched Sin City at the Tawas theatre. It was kinda weird and somewhat violent but also pretty cool. BethAnne definitely would not like it though. Yesterday I went rollerblading with BethAnne, but not for very long because it was a swealtering 80 degrees. So then I layed out in the sun for awhile and headed off to the NHS induction. Loads of fun that was....

I think tomorrow is supposed to be a senior skip day but I'm not sure... I'll have to ask hannah. This Saturday is band festival and then prom in a week. Time goes by so fast... it's unbelievable. I'm ready to be out of school but that doesn't mean I'm not scared. Lately I've been feeling the stress. I haven't really been showing it but It's hard to sleep sometimes because I can't stop thinking about scholarships, prom, graduation, college, and stuff like that. ugh... And then there's this summer and having to get a job and all.

Well anyways enough of that. My dad and brother are leaving for Missouri tonight. Dad got a motorcycle and has to pick it up. I thought about wanting to go and then thought better of it. I doubt it will be overly exciting.... no...

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

You Know You're Addicted to Blogging When...

If you can't access the site, you have a minor freak out - and a major case of hitting reload.

You found yourself composing journal entries during dates, movies, etc.

When you're out, you suddenly think of a witty reply to a comment somebody made to you... several days ago.

You talk about people's blogs when you can't think of a better conversation topic.

The first thing you do every day when you go online is check your friends journals - even before checking your email.

When your friends ask what's new, you get mad at them because you already wrote it in your Blog and they didn't check it yet.

You have put more time into Blog than all your assignments for the semester.

You have more friends with blogs than in real life.

You have written posts to notify people you're going to sleep.

Instead of doing research, you post difficult questions on your Blog.

Your pets all have their own Blogs.

You've stopped being friends with someone in real life because of something they've said on your blog.

You have consoled yourself after a horrible day thinking "At least this will make a great blog post"

You're jealous of people who have more comments than you.

You have written a really great, solid post - only to be disappointed by the lack of good comments.

You're guilty of commenting excessively to get more traffic to your blog.

You've deleted a post a few minutes (or hours) after you've written it, because it seemed lame in retro spect.

You have an additional, secret journal that hardly anyone knows about.

You've broken up with someone - or ended a friendship - soley via blog

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are blog addicts.

*I thought these were sort of funny.....

I do what I want, you don't own me....

Isaiah says that really great... but we couldn't find him to say it.... it was sad.

So anyways I'm in kev's room right now and I don't have much to do.

On Friday I ended up leaving Sarah's before her german thing because my mom wanted me to get home before dark. I went to Jen and Kev's and watched the boys until Saturday morning. Then I got ready and went to the rollerskating thing. I drove Joel, Ben, Alex, and Arthur and it was an interesting time. Rollerblading was fun. We got back around 4:30 and I watched Zoolander with Ben and Joel at Ben's house. Then they were obsessed with making me shoot a gun just because I never had before. I shot this one gun, but I can't remember what it was and it was really loud and I was like great I feel so much better now. Not really. So after that we read I Spy books and then I went home. The next day I slept through church and then went with Ross, Ryan and Sarah's parents to see Sarah's concert at U of M. It was quite long and not overly exciting but then we went back to the slushee place where I had tripped over the wet floor sign on thursday and introduced Ross and Ryan to the awesome slushees. I got home at about 10.

Yesterday was mostly uneventful. I definetly have senioritis now because I don't feel like doing anything remotely close to work. I spend my time roaming the halls and playing Euchre. I graduate in less than 2 months but I think I'll be ready.

Today we had to rip our mink's jaw off. First I had to scrape all the meat off and then cut the jaw with these bonecutters and then rip it off.... Yeah fun times... I hope you weren't eating. I'm getting really tired of our mink though. It used to be fun but not so much anymore. He said we should be done by the end of next week but then we start dissecting roadkill. I think that will probably be worse than the mink.

Well I guess that's all I have to say and I'm tired of typing.....

Friday, April 01, 2005

Just chillin at the U of M

So I drove down to see Sarah yesterday. It was an interesting trip. At one point I had gone about 2 miles in 45 minutes. There was some sort of reason why we all had to get off the express way and then get back on. It took forever and a year, so I was a little late but it's all good. I had to park in the pay for parking section and your supposed to go and pay again at 8 in the morning but we watched a movie last night and stayed up til 2:30 so there was no way I was getting up at 8. Despite the fact that I was sleeping on sarah's rockhard floor I managed to somehow sleep in until 10:45. It must have been due to the lack of light under sarah's desk.

But anyway it's been a fun time. I had subway yesterday and we explored the area a little bit. We played some 2 handed euchre and then went to bible study. It was fun but I found it a little more difficult to get a word in then it is at our bible studies. hmm.... I suppose at ours I'm the one that's talking and maybe people wish I wouldn't talk so much so that they could say something.

Tomorrow's the Rollerblading thing and I still don't know exactly what is up with that. She was supposed to call me back and leave a message with my mom but I can't really call home and find out yet because the bad roommate is still sleeping. You know what's sad? I forgot my toothbrush. I think there's one in my car, but I don't have the motivation to go look so I'm chewing some trident white that I stole from sarah.

We watched the Notebook last night. It was really good and really cute and I almost cried. It really was a great movie.

I'm not sure exactly what we're doing today. Probably lunch, then german movie thing and then cru. I still need to call my mom and see what time they want me to leave by.

So what did I do on my spring break besides visit sarah? Well not a whole lot. I hung out at my sister's house one day. I got really adventurous on tuesday and cleaned my room for the first time in I can't remember. It's really clean too. I should've taken before and after pictures.

Well Sarah will be back soon and the bad roommate appears to be waking up, probably because of my typing so I must go.... more later.