Saturday, January 29, 2005


I went to katie's party at the bowling alley with ross and got somewhat irritated so me and ross went to Taco Bell. Katie asked me before to go and then someone called me and said I should go so I went and like everyone and there mother was there and there were no open lanes. Oh well taco bell was fun anyway.

Well back to being happy...... I think maybe I'll download some music.

Sarah I really miss you. You were never as stupid as some people can be. We need to have a long indepth conversation when you come home.

Mi hermana es embarazada. ¡Eso es gemelos!

Ok so I had to look most of that up. I'm in spanish but those aren't exactly the first words you learn. Leslie might be able to get it. I hope I wrote it right.

So our tournament was extremely long. I won't go into details but we ended up taking third place. It's the farthest AuGres has ever made it in the tournament so that was cool.

This isn't a long post, I'll post again later. Right now I'm not really in the posting mood.

Friday, January 21, 2005


So I will tell you what is eww but I think I'll wait until the end of my blog so that you can read it comfortably.

Yesterday I had a game that was quite disappointing. We won the first game, lost the second, won the third, lost the fourth, and then lost the fifth by 2 points. GRRR.. I didn't get home until 11:30 and I was insanely tired from the games plus having 2 exams, a test and a paper that day. It was won of those times where I was so tired but I couldn't stop thinking and I kept getting various songs stuck in my head such as our volleyball tarzan cheer and Drop it like it's Hot.

Today was mostly boring. I slept in until about 10:30. I could've slept in longer, but my mom was watching Isaac, Gabe, and Caleb at our house and as you all know, they can be very loud. Then I got up and watched Family Feud for awhile, played Snap Bowling with Isaac and Gabe(it's this miniature boling game where you fling the ball at the pins), had an indepth discussion about sharks and whales in the ocean with Isaac and Gabe, and finally when they left I took a shower. I know what you're think and no that's not the eww. The eww was when my mom was reaching behind the washer to get something and happened to find my cat's secret pooping spot. It was behind the water heater and impossible to get to. I had to attach the pooper scooper to the broom handle scoop it into a pile and then vacuum it up with the Kirby. Fun times. Thankfully it was mostly dry. I bet you all are so glad I told that story.

Well that's all for now, my mom needs to use the computer. I have some news to tell but I'm not at liberty to tell anyone yet.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

It's me again!

I've grown tired of looking at prom magazines. No one can say I never update my blog. This is the second post in a half an hour. I could be doing my pre calc but who does their pre calc anyway? Definitely not me.

I'm thinking................................................................. it's time to get rid of that... it was getting annoying


So yeah I don't have anywhere to go right now. Kev is gone, Mr. Nowak's office is closed and Angie is doing something else right now. The only place left to go was the computer lab. So here I am.... writing my blog and looking at prom magazines with Ross, Jodi, and Amber.

So we won our game yesterday. It was just A.E. though. Today I have pool practice after school. Pool practice is ok. It sounds like it would be really fun, but it's not so much.

Mrs. Ballien was bothering me about blogging. It's really annoying to have someone watch you blog. I'm not sure why but it is.

In seminar today me and Hannah practiced our song for voice. We're singing Somewhere Out There from An American Tale. We can't sing it without laughing because there's this one part that the squeak at. It's funny.

I think this is gonna be a really long post because I can't think of anything else to do. I could look at prom dresses. That might be fun, but I don't really feel like it. Maybe I'll look at the prom magazines again. That's always fun.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Snow is cold

I've been freezing the whole day and I'm wearing a sweatshirt. It's sad because no one gets to see my Tree Hugger shirt. But anyways...

It's my aid hour right now. I'm aid for Kev, but he's eating at the moment. I don't have much to do besides listen to launchcast and do nothing so I might as well blog. Jive Talkin' is on right now. 10 points if you know who sings it.

Yesterday our game got cancelled because of the snow. I was a little disappointed but glad to have a free night. Me and BethAnne went to Hannah's and played ping-pong and euchre. We also watched this hot prairie dog cartoon. Good times.

I stayed up last night playing the sims. It's hard to stop once you get started.

Well I guess that's all for now and Kev will be back soon wanting me to do something.